Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"
 B.B. is the collective Psyche.

We can also call it subconscious or unconscious collective, insofar as its contents function but are not made conscious to us the LIVING-BEINGS. The psyche of a deceased brother can, and in fact it does sometimes, assist us, protect us and sometimes while interacting in a VERY ACTIVE way, but most of the time, by gently modulating our unconscious through the information we receive from the BB O U.

The psyche or the soul, released from the bonds of the [ O ] (krypton Factor which links B.B. with the brain) à )--o-- ( and of the OEMII (or physical body) - already decomposed -, begins an eternal stage of joyous knowledge of B.B.; not only will it will progressively assimilate a thousand-year-old culture accumulated over centuries and generations of human beings, but it will assimilate itself into science, art, in the sum of the culture of a planetary humanity. It will undoubtedly also feel the sufferings, but this will be compensated by the deep knowledge of the UAA., and the moral and eurythmic lives (NdR: Whose composition is harmonious) of living beings.

Moreover, as a participant in the WAAM-BB, it will be able to access the eternal secrets of the entire WAAM-WAAM, witnessing the perpetual evolution of its galaxies, stars and various mass formations.

What will happen when the humanity of the Earth disappears? We do not know from a scientific point of view; but the revelation of OUMMOWOA says that the [ O U ] will be integrated in turn into the other [ B.B. O U ] corresponding to many other disappeared planetary biospheres. We can note this in the following UAA.: (the UAA. are sublime moral maxims dictated by the divine Oummowoa).

UAA TAAUU 1854 " And the planetary unconscious in faraway region will illuminate us with an astounding morality which will be difficult for us to assume. Since in it is engraved the entire law dictated by WOA for all the OEMII. In it is recorded the actions of the OEMII, those which conform with the laws of ethics and those which violate the inescapable social principles, since all those who by their own volition break with my divine TAAUU, cause an entropic regression of character; their own WAAM degrades (cosmos = can be translated as SOCIAL FRAMEWORK, PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT).

TAAUU 1860 " But the disintegration of the OEMII will occur one day, as you all know. How will you know when this minute (UIW) will arrive? Your soul will melt into the Unconscious collective, taking part in planetary joys and alas, also in its sadnesses, but also with the pleasure of taking in at once the immense body of intellectual information and of seeing reflected in a silver-titanium surface (an alloy used in mirrors) the entire UAA (moral) law of the polynuclear Universe in which you exist ".


TAAU 1868 " Moreover, one day, the entire living sphere of OUMMO will be the victim of a terrible cataclysm which will destroy the basis, not only of your civilization, but also the genetic essence itself of the living beings. Ice will cover the surface of the continents, in the thickness of several ENMOO (unit of length on OUMMO [ our note ]) in many places, and the disintegration of life will have become a reality. It will be the point of inflection from which the unconscious collective, which in the beginning floated alone in the ocean of its cosmos (" ' it refers to the WAAM BB "), will melt into the other collective unconsciousnesses of humanities and extinct animal networks which lived on distant OYAA, and time at which the participation of your soul in the masterpiece of WOA will attain an additional degree of perfection on the slow advance towards eternity ".

When these TAAUU were dictated, our scientists had only a vague idea of Cosmology. They did not know that there was more than one Universe. To hear speak about other cosmos seemed to be a metaphor which represented other inhabited worlds. But our Science progressively confirmed the divine and slightly metaphorical images of our divine OUMMOWOA.

Today however, regarding the future fusion of distinct [ B.B. O U ], we know only what this OEMII, good and saint among the saints, revealed us in a slightly ambiguous way.

You the OEMII of the Earth are familiar with the questions of the OYAAGAA thinkers. For centuries, your philosophers have pondered the most transcendent questions that a human being can be ask: Who are we? Where are we going? From where do we come? Why are we in this world?

We would now like to offer the half-answers that our scientists (science and philosophy have been combined on OYAOUMMO) offer to the humanist.

Philosophical response to the first phase of our model:

WE BELIEVE : (we cannot prove it scientifically, even though the TAAU of Oummowoa give us the answer) that WOA is fulfils itself by generating the WAAM-WAAM (Oummowoa says: Cosmos and Anticosmos). WOA and the WAAM-WAAM coexist throughout eternity, we do not think that God (generator) is " before " or " after " the polynuclear UNIVERSE, as Oummowoa says crytically. (Sometimes in certain TAAU the divine man speaks about Universe / Anti-Universe, in others about IBOZSOCAOWAAM ie. of POLYTEMPORAL or POLYNUCLEAR UNIVERSE: this last definition remained an enigma until scientists discover the WAAM-WAAM). WOA cannot exist " before ", first of all because the concept of time is inadequate for an adimensional being, but also because " WOA cannot undergo change". Imagining that in a first phase God has not yet made everything, and then he does, is like conceiving a changing unit: more imperfect at first).

WOA thus coexists with a WAAM-WAAM generated by him.

WOA exists. Not in time. He exists and that is all! The multiplanetary Universe exists as a decadimensional whole which includes time. (It does not make sense to believe that cosmos is evolving slowly as WOA generates it. The illusion of the flow of time is specific to living beings)

WOA conceives a multicosmos in which divine wisdom increases information over time:

How can one conceive of a system that is capable of generating information by itself, making itself intelligent? Our philosophical answer is that this information is " THE information " that WOA possesses in its infinitude, it is a reflection of the intelligence of WOA.

The difference lies in that the WAAM-WAAM cannot be WOA, and needs to progress in " knowledge " while information is (fully) integrated in atemporal WOA.

WOA thus generates a multiple SELF-CONSCIOUS universe, capable of correcting itself in a cybernetic loop. But how can a mass of galaxies and cosmic dust become self-conscious?

Obviously, an entropic process can never be made " conscious ". Consciousness implies complexity and a high level of information and intelligence (entropy is disorder). An entropic system like a star or a cloud of gas, subjects information to a centrifugal process; it is degraded. It could never be made conscious.

It is necessary " to create " neguentropic systems (systems which are growing rich in information, CENTRIPETAL INFORMATION, at the expense of the medium). The high intelligence of WOA requires that these systems develop with a minimal intellectual effort.

The way to obtain it is TO GENERATE an ANISOTROPIC, irregular COSMOS. For example: Stir up dust in a room. Millions of volutes of particles will be agitated. In certain areas, dust disperses, extends (Entropy), in others, - fewer - dust can concentrate, forming arabesques, forms of different shape. (concentrations of information = neguentropy)



Indeed, the WAAM-BB is generated, which, as you now know, distorts the other Universes, creating singularities of mass, galaxies and stars which formed by clouds of gas.

But in some places neguentropic beings emerge BY CHANCE.

In a wild flow of entropy, small parts of the Universe go in the opposite direction, gaining information instead of losing it, and these nodules { living beings on OYAA (cold Stars) } are able to improve, sometimes to the state of CONSCIOUSNESS .

But why should there be CONSCIOUSNESS in the first place? We believe, incorrectly, that it is for our personal benefit. We feel, we imagine, we touch jasmine - we believe that it is for your pleasure (the pleasure here plays the part of a reflective mirror to encourage us to taste and feel), but actually, we perceive, we feel for the service of the WAAM-WAAM.

Living beings, via their neurocaptors, receivers of models of information (sensory organs), receive the structure of the Universe.

- This information is sent to the B.B. O U

- This information is integrated and processed in the WAAM-BB

- the WAAM-BB, in turn, generates models of action on the WAAM-WAAM.

This the structure of the closed cybernetic loop.

(IMAGE 14)

You can now understand the magnitude of the Creation of WOA. He created a self-conscious universe which corrects itself while improving. The multicosmos is like a gigantic organism, equipped with a brain, the WAAM-BB; sense organs: living beings, effectors (motor organs); disturbers (imaginary mass) able to modify the structure of the universe by spatio-temporally folding its dimensional continuum and finally its own body: the whole or the network of Cosmos which form its structure.

This macro-organism has a soul: the WAAM-B, whose the individual psyches modulate the structure of the WAAM-BB.

Now you understand why we have said to you in other reports, that the OEMII can modify its own Universe simply by observing it.

We are simple instruments an imposing being born to reflect the infinite capacity of WOA, and in dying, to be integrated within the infinite knowledge of WOA reflected in the decadimensional and multiplanetary Universe. If we do not see, feel or touch, the Cosmos would degenerate into infinite chaos without forms nor energy flow. This would be the most concrete proof of God's " oligophreny " ( NdR: absence of intelligence).

WAAM-WAAM is the creation of WOA, the creation of the OEMII in a certain way since with our thought we contribute along with the other quintillions (10 power 30) of humans in the plurality of cosmos, to its reorganization. Our function as conscious entities is to be the eyes, ears, olfactive organs ... to this imposing brain which is WAAM-BB, inside this not less imposing LIVING ORGANISM which is the work of WOA: the WAAM-WAAM.

We should go into a little more detail about imaginary mass ±V -1 in the multiple Cosmos.

In the same way that an animal receives information and then processes it to finally exert its action via its motor bodies: feet, arms, mandibles, on the environment (cybernetic loop)., we have also seen that living beings act by receiving information, and then sending it back to [ B.B. O U ] in the WAAM-BB.

It is already obvious to us that the transcendent function of [ B.B. O U ] is not exactly to coordinate a network of living beings in the development of this information we call psyche or collective unconscious.

 The true function of the WAAM-BB is to be a BRAIN for the WAAM-WAAM, but every living being receives information, processes it and ACTS upon the environment which informs it by transforming it.

The WAAM-WAAM acts in the same way, and makes use of an entity which is imagined by physicists of the Earth, imaginary mass. " imaginary " mass ± V - 1 m, does not mean (as your mathematicians know) a " mythical " or " imagined " MASS ". On the contrary its existence is VERY " real ", it is only that you cannot touch it or feel it since it is not within the three-dimensional frame that you perceive. A property of this mass is that it can move at speeds higher than those of a photon. The imaginary mass is a singular network of I.U. (It is only by knowing the theory of the IBOOZOO-UU that you can understand its interrelation function between the Universes.)

Such a particle exists in "negative" time, and its stable situation of minimal energy is at infinite speed. There are no living beings of imaginary mass, but if they existed, their paradoxical rest would be infinite speed (mathematical infinity).

The network of IBOZOO UU binds the Cosmos together, and acts as an energy drive belt between them. (When V -1 m moves at " low speeds ", the imaginary mass appears in one of the twin cosmos, but actually it always operates between two cosmos. Sometimes, you have wondered: how can one universe produce crumplings in another? It is the imaginary mass which produces this border effect)

Or you light wonder how it is possible that the electrons of a krypton atom behave in such a strange way in the B.I. and in [ O.U ]? It is the subparticles of imaginary mass which, on " the other side " of the border, are exerting this action.

It is only when this mass is not in its " state " of minimal energy (V=infinite) that the intercosmic action is exerted (when V -1 m reaches exactly the speed of the light in the cosmos in which it is inserted, its associated energy would reach infinity, something which in reality never happens).

The border effect IYOODUHU (B.I.) is even more complex than the intercosmic interaction. In Antiquity, BAAYODUU (uniting factor between BB and the chromosomes) was thought to be a network of krypton atoms able to receive information and to record phylogenetic patterns of living beings.

Obviously, [ B.I. ] is not just a tiny cloud of krypton atoms (86 for each group of genes) but also a symbiosis between this network of I.U. and the B.B. O U.

Each pair of Kr atoms has a specific function. One of them codes the information which is written in the WAAM BB on the orthogenesis of living beings. In other words, it codes the possible patterns of plants, animals and bio-elementary beings.

The other atom of the pair collects information on the environment. This information is transmitted via a small intracellular or cytoplasmic and thus intranuclear water mass. In other words, water molecules capture the wavelengths not only of those of a frequency similar to the dimensions of the molecule, but also the metric wavelengths. The second source of information is the chemical bio-molecules and trace elements which pass through the cellular membrane.

This same atom has a second function. The quantum jumps within this atom deteriorate the metabolism of the nucleus by ionizing the water in the nucleus, thus modifying the code of the genome (while producing controlled changes in the nucleotide sequence which forms the DNA chain).

We see that the genome of a specimen of a species is subject to various types of influence:

On one hand accidental mutations produced for instance by an external ionizing radiation, by a virus, or by a set of mutagenic molecules.
In these cases, the new phenotype is usually repressive, and the individual dies, unable to withstand the aggressive pressure of the ecological environment (they are naturally teratological individuals).

In addition orthogenetically-directed changes , directed by the B.I. which gives rise to a restricted range of progressive phenotypes, more resistant towards the environment, since they are more advanced beings (positive index of neguentropy).

Naturally, although rare, the first order changes: the random ones, can also be positive, but if there were not this modulation of [ B.B. O U ] the evolution of living beings in a biosphere would take many thousands of million years to develop, if based only on the laws of chance, as it is postulated by certain geneticists of OYAAGAA (Earth).

While we " LIVE ", we are dead. This is the conclusion we have arrived at. During our "living" stage, although we are free, we take part in the Universe in a very restricted way. We are only receivers of a fraction of the knowledge our immediate environment offers us. We believe ourselves to be independent beings and yet we are only simple instruments of the WAAM-WAAM. Our function is to be used as observant EYES which see a fraction of the Universe.

But, when we die, we are freed of this task. We are integrated in the WAAM O B, we take part fully in the BRAIN of the COSMOS. We live in the fullness of the intelligence of WOA. When Jesus of the Earth promises you eternal life, this is the meaning of his divine words. Now you can understand all the depth of the UAA (Moral Law) dictated by God.

When we violate a sacred law, we do it with an attitude of entropy. Every social sin, every sin against what you call Charity (love) dissolves the coordination of a social Network to some degree. If I sin against my brother, that can cause his obsertional functions to be disrupted, and so I contribute to a slowing down the information gathering of the WAAM-BB, i.e. I create ENTROPY, DISORDER, by slowing down the progress of the multiuniverse. There is a cosmic principle: that of minimal energy. In the Cosmos two giant tendencies fight between each other: NEGUENTROPY and ENTROPY

The universal flow of entropy " drags the multiuniverse towards total death " until all the mass singularities are converted into radiation energy. But neguentropy fights against this tendency. Apparently the latter is weaker (the neguentropic environments of the Universe are like small islands in a large sea of entropy). But we saw that this is an illusion, since in the WAAM-BB a multiplier effect occurs. Small flows of information modulate great flows of imaginary mass, an immense energy, in the same way that a weak current in a transistor controls a high intensity of electrons.

The sin you commit against society; the violation of social law, can cause serious disruptions in the WAAM-WAAM, this is why the divine OUMMOWOA speaks to us about the " anger " of God (WOA):

TAAU 357: " Ah! He who does not like, and violates the moral law! (UUAA), since the fury of WOA will cause his abandonment when his OEMII (body) dies. If you upset your brother, you cause immense damage to the Universe. You are damaging the creative work of WOA in a tangible way ".

The principle of economy (entropy) makes us selfish, negligent about the love we owe to our human community.

When Jesus speaks to you about the Devil, he " exists ". Although you interpret his image metaphorically or poetically. The devil is actually " temptation ". He represents Entropy. He is absolute evil, annihilation. Hell is nothing other than death in the form of low energy radiation, which occurs in a WAAM which perishes when entropy overcomes the influences of the imaginary mass caused by the WAAM-BB. This Cosmos (if it is of hypocritic mass) dissolves into the cosmic crystal; the souls responsible remain frozen forever in an eternal solipsism, unable to be integrated into the WAAM-BB. It is seldom that this occurs, but it is theoretically possible.

Now you understand why we consider Love to be a concept which transcends purely ethical and humanistic values, to transform itself into a concept automatically integrated into Science. The Devil, hell, evil... are mythical for you, or at least escaped from the context of Theology.

You have used them in such an incorrect way, by personifying them in a way so naive which they seem to be of no importance for many OEMII. But although we do not give them the same names, we know that have a transcendent value in WAAM TOA (History of Cosmology).



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