Ummite Physics and Metaphysics:
"The Essential Texts"

Received 24/04/1967.

In the preceding documents, we touched on the reception and encoding function of cells. However we should inform you that intracellular processes cannot be studied in isolation without scientific value being lost.

That is why we will inform you of our advances in the field of BIOLOGY.

It is necessary that this point be quite clear. In spite of the fact that these documents were drafted while taking into account of the average cultural level of the components of this group, some among you will find the comprehension of certain scientific concepts difficult.

How can we dictate these notes, taking the terminology into account and counting on a chemistry-mathematics background more suited to an Earth biologist than for HUMANS whose professions, except in certain isolated cases, are marginal in relation to these studies?

That is why our mission is to inform you on what we consider to be the most transcendent concepts. But there is an obvious difficulty. To describe the existence of certain factors to you like the BAAYIODUU, we must refer to ideas and facts familiar to Earth scientists, like the genetic code in the chromosomes.

But some among you do not know of the latest discoveries in Earth biochemistry. We thus take the laymen in biology into account by outlining the concepts on Earth compared to those discovered by other extraterrestrial civilizations.

In addition it is useful to point out that for those among you who do not have a background in Quantum Mechanics, the comparisons we make will only have a teaching value.

Thus when we say that in the BAAYIODUU, the Krypton atoms turn in pairs in elliptic orbits, or when we refer to the electronic " jumps " within an energy level or atomic shell, we are using symbols.

You must remember that the entire field of Quantum Mechanics created by Earth Physicists is a true search for perfection which does not have a basis in reality.

For instance, the SPIN of the ELECTRON is familiar concept for Earth physicists. Because your research is in the embryonic state, you are unable to adequately explain the ZEEMAN effect; you then create the concept of angular momentum SPIN, and you build a mathematical model on so fragile an assumption.

We say to you that it is this false model which has delayed the development of a model of the atom closer close to reality,. What you call SPIN is very different from the definition from your mathematicians.

If you consider a Space lattice of N dimensions, the deformation in two orthogonal axial axes [? NdT ] which intersect in an IBOZOO UU (spatial point) will give rise to an effect which, in the case you call ELECTROSTATIC FIELD - MAGNETIC FIELD, invites the specialists of your Planet to represent it with a vector and to assign it a quantum number. It is a little like somebody looking at a family having a picnic from far away, and could not distinguish the cloth extended on the ground from the skirt worn by someone sitting on it, mistaking the two for a SINGLE piece of fabric.

We tell you all this so that you are aware of the difficulties we encounter when we describe a scientific concept. If we use Earth scientific language, we hide the truth since such Earth assumptions are tainted from the outset, and we would need a huge amount of typed pages if we followed the logical idea and explained all the errors and inaccurate ideas that you have formed for yourselves.

We said in the former document that the cell receives information in two ways:



The process by which a shellfish communicates the nature of the environment to its germinal cells is very complex and would require another series of reports.

In short, the Crab cited above collects luminous stimulations from the colouration of the rocks (BLUES) through its eyes. This causes a series of metabolic changes (i.e. biochemical), immediately the stimuli coded in the form of nerve impulses affects the organs around its embryonic nervous system. In this case it is the levels of Potassium and of Nitrogen which change, informing the cell of the external conditions from the OPTICAL standpoint. Through the Cellular Membrane the ionic transference balance is altered and the cellular metabolism goes through a series of changes from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. Changes occur in the surface layers of the oxygen atoms which make up the molecules of INTRACYTOPLASMIC WATER, automatically producing quantified variations in the electronic gravitational Field.

We will explain for those who are not strong in physics.

You know that one of the attributes of the electron is Mass. When the mass of the electron describes a harmonic motion, under certain conditions it creates gravitational waves with an equivalent loss of energy. Under these conditions the electron disappears to be transformed into what you would call ANOTHER SUBATOMIC PARTICLE.

(Such a particle is unknown for you and it is not necessary to indicate it with a number, as it is not necessary to give a specific term to each of the infinite number of angles two straight lines can form.)

THIS PHENOMENON IS NOT KNOWN TO THE PEOPLE OF THE EARTH. Actually the electron is degenerates as it emits quantified energy in gravitational form. [ This last sentence is 'under reserve' since it is practically illegible NdT ].

It is simply (according to our verified model of physics) that it undergoes a re-orientation of its axis, and that changes the structure of the N-dimensional network which surrounds it.

Expressed clearly: certain oxygen atoms in the water contained in the cellular cytoplasm, undergo an energy jump in their outside orbital layers.

The electrons vibrate, emitting gravitational waves which disappear, a little as if an Earth radio transmitter were to burn itself out in order to process the energy necessary to send the transmission.

These gravitational waves have an energy much weaker than the radio waves you know (about 10 power -39). But this altered gravitational field causes a resonance in one of the electrons in each pair of BAAYIODUU atoms (an atom we call BAAIGOO EIXUUA, untranslatable) DYNAMIC Atom.

In other words: it functions like a receiver able to detect gravitational waves emitted by cytoplasmic OXYGEN and able to record the message, like an Earth tape recorder.

When an electron combines with a gravitational Quantum (you call it a GRAVITON); this combination can bring about the formation of another electron with different phase and orbital position, and a new subatomic particle which degenerates as it splits in two.

Thus the Krypton atoms are " informed " (we use a widely-understood term) that in the crab's environment, the dominant colour is bluish.

We point out that there is not only one atom which codifies all the possible forms of living beings in the WAAM, but 86 NIIO AA (+ ATOMS) of Krypton which we call BAAIGO EIXAE (decoders).

Their electrons, who exist at every moment in thousands of thousands of different positions (IN REALITY THE NUMBER APPROACHES INFINITY), are able to condense this enormous information.

We already told you that a factor we call BAAYIODUU (really a chain of double Krypton atoms) serves a double purpose :

FIRSTLY : It stores ENCODED INFORMATION about all the possible organic BEINGS in the WAAM since its creation, within the living beings themselves.

SECONDLY: It receives information about the surrounding ecological environment and compares it to the encoded information; in certain cases, it will be able to bring about a new mutation which will give rise to a new living being (a living being that already exists in the code).

For laymen in Biology, we will use an easy-to-understand comparison; (remember that these reports are primarily didactic: we do not claim to develop topics in Biochemistry, Molecular Genetics and other fields of Biology which you already know).

In addition it is not possible for obvious reasons to go into an excessively technical development of these concepts. We limit ourselves to a simple description.

Suppose that in some country on Earth, a very technologically-developed country, a company builds an airplane factory. a This company has a massive research and development budget, giving its management free rein to develop programs its smaller competitors could never afford. Having these extraordinary means at their disposal, the management and workers embark upon an ambitious project. This new program consists in conducting a wide-ranging study of all existing technological methods of production.

They build thousands of wind tunnels, Metallography labs occupying dozens of buildings, information archives connected to all the research centers on the Planet, and hundreds of thousands of engineers, physicists and electronics specialists are contacted for their assistance (such a project is a pure fiction; it could never happen as we are describing it here).

They compile the blueprints and technical elements necessary for their production of ALL POSSIBLE MODELS OF AIRCRAFT.

You do not need to be a technician to understand the importance of such a project. It is impossible to calculate the billions of Models which would have to be drawn (that is why we told you that this project was pure fiction, taken as a didactic example).

Once the plans are drawn according to each particular need, aeronautical condition or navigation, computers compile the information into a smaller space.

Let us continue our story: one day one of the most modern delta wing models flies; it has a turbine engine for ceilings of up to 12 000 meters.

It is to fly over an enemy area where there are heat-seeking anti-aircraft missles which can detect the infra-red radiation coming out of the turbojets. The planes are destroyed one after the others, the survival of the aircraft is in danger. The environment is INCOMPATIBLE with " the species " [in biological terms NdT ].

But the engineers on the aircraft do not waste time. With their equipment, they see what is happening and break down the problem into distinct parts.

They see for example that the enemy missiles have parabolic reflectors inside their plastic warheads, that they do not emit high frequency waves and thus they are not designed to emit radar waves; they observe that the trajectories of the missiles are directed statistically towardes their own plane. They discover, finally, that these missiles are equipped with very sensitive heat detectors.

Thus the design of the plane needs to undergo a mutation. But there is no time to build a prototype and test it.

That is when the massive project mentioned earlier comes to be applied in practice.

All that needs to be done is to consult the central memory to obtain a prototype of as-good performance, similar to the existing model, but having some kind of shell to protect the exhaust conduit and reduce the amount of fateful infra-red radiation emitted.

The plans of the new model already exist, and the construction will be much easier.

We think that you will understand this comparison. Of course the question emerges: how can WOA codify all the Phylum possible which can exist in the Cosmos?

Remember that of these billions of possible beings, only an tiny fraction actually lives on inhabited Stars. We will take up this topic again in the supplementary report to this one.

Even if the number of compatible forms of life is very high, we warn you that we have verified that certain forms of life ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT POSSIBLE.

For example is makes no sense to think that, on some inhabitable star, a species of life with a different biochemical basis has emerged (based for instance on Silicon or the Germanium).


The problem is complex, and WOA executes this law in a way that is not easy to explain in a few paragraphs.

Principally, the Krypton atoms which make up the BAAYIODUU contain the encoded key of this law. In this series of 86 pairs of atoms (for each CHROMOSOME), every ORGANIC being possible in nature is encoded.

This network can be represented by a complex graph which represents the distribution of this Phylogeny. To make ourselves understood we will define a few symbols beforehand.

We call the series of possible branches or " Phylum " corresponding to a mutation, ONAUDOOXA XUU (can be translated as TREE STRUCTURE).

Each branch represents a PHYLUM, specimen or possible species of animal




The IBOZOO DAO (NODES) represent the moment at which the mutation occurs.

Each IBOZOO DAO has within it a number of implicit possible MUTATIONS.

Symbol D58_FOR.2 with a number above it represents the total number of possible changes (known to date). This formula has the name BAAYIODIXAA IDUGOO.

The example D58_FOR.3 should be interpreted as a type of EARTH ANTHROPOD D58_FOR.4  which can transform itself into D58_FOR.5 , "progressive" or "regressive" varieties according to as many other mutations.

You can see that this encoding has the charactersitic of POTENTIALITY. We speak of POSSIBILITIES. Next we will see that in the reality of each PLANET, of all the possible mutations in each TREE STRUCTURE, only one, two, eight... possibilities actually occur. 

We also state that some IBOZOO DAO (NODES) studied revealed up to 200 000 possibilities of mutation, and it is thought that upper limit in certain nodes can reach 18 million possible mutations coded in the Krypton atoms.

Let us take a much more graphic example using Earth animals as current as those at the end of the Paleozoic or beginning of the Mesozoic era (TRIASSIC), that will help you understand.




You can see that one of the branches (antediluvian reptiles) underwent a series of mutations [ at this spot on the original document are empty brackets, certainly where a formula the translator forgot to stick was intended to go - Scanning technician's note ] represented by this IBOZOO DAO which gave rise to new phylogenetic branches. Three of these are represented on the graph as PTEROSAURUS, ARCHEOSAURUS, ICTHIOSAURUS.

Thus three or perhaps fifteen mutations occurred but: How many were possible? This apparently unanswerable question is answered by the BAAYIODUU in one of its 86 pairs of krypton atoms.

The number of possibilities is very high: about: 5 x 10 power 4 < N < 18 x 10 power 6

To better understand the phylogeny coded within the BAAYIODUU, in green (NdR: document in black and white) we represent the innumerable XUU (phylum or branches) which COULD COME INTO BEING on any PLANETARY BODY whose physical conditions are condicuve to the appearance of organic life, and in RED the XUU which will appear in reality.

Thus the phylogeny of our previous example now looks like this:





What would an X-Saurus look like if such a mutation had occurred?

Why does this mutation not come about?

And haven't thousands of other changes which would have given rise to other animal structures occured either?


We shall answer these questions in the following paragraphs.

But before we do, we must tell you more about the interpretation of the " coded messages " enclosed within the BAAYIODUU.

Each change of an electron within an orbital layer among the EIGHT which exists in the krypton atom, encodes a Phylum and as a didactic example:




Each of the four electronic jumps (do not confuse these changes with the quantum jumps which occur between two energy levels of the atom) represent as many other possible branches. The morphology that the animal actually adopts if a mutation occurs will be a function (in code) of the electronic positions of the electrons of the other BAAYIODUU atoms. (We repeat that the number of actual possible Phyla is not four many million). [ In my opinion, this last sentence refers to FIG 14 where four Phyla are drawn as an example - Scanning technician's note ].

We see then that the BAAYIODUU encloses " in the form of a CODE ", all the phylogeny of the possible living beings in the COSMOS. THIS IS OF TRANSCENDENT IMPORTANCE.

Using a comparison for those uninitiated to Biogenetics, imagine a book which details all the models of planes (not only those which have been built, but all those which could be built); this book would represent the BAAYIODUU.

The example is not exact since a book is a PASSIVE object, and the BAAYIODUU contained in the chromosomes operates actively, as we shall see.

If we graphically represent the possible phylogeny of all organic beings that can theoretically exist in the Cosmos, what would it look like?

Above all we must object that such an EXACT graphical representation is not possible since the BRANCHES we would have to draw would number in the " trillions of trillions ".

The approximate form of such a phylogeny would be like this:




Our specialists could only study the Phyla in Yellow [ original Photocopy in black and white NdT ].

The immensity of this task makes this work of research impossible. And computers are insufficiently powerful for this type of analysis (the order of magnitude can be 10 power 520!)

You can see that in the first stages of evolution, the number of possible branches (NdR: phylum) is quite small, on UMMO as on any planet, the protozoan species are identical. YOU COULD FIND AN AMOEBA, A KOCH BACILLUS OR A VIRUS ON ANY PLANET.

BUT as evolution progresses, and the physical conditions differ from one planet to another, the selection of possible phyla produces a biological panorama typical to each Star;

The pluricellular animals known on Earth will probably not come about on another Planet and vice-versa.

A similar phenomenon occurs in the convergence zone. The different phyla evolve towards the GOAL of this phylogenesis which is the human body. This point of convergence (U) [ on the FIG 15 - Scanning technician's note ] splits again into thousands of possible phyla (HUMAN RACES).

The number of possible human subspecies, as we have analyzed it, is 9 x 10 power 6. Whether or not these races exist on a Planet depends on other factors, as we will see in a moment.

Finally there is a new IBOZOO DAO (NODE) which constitutes the final convergence point. No known Humanity has reached this point. Once there, the human will continue to advance progressively in terms of his encephalisation and agglutisation (NdR: this word is not English, but it has been left. It no doubt refers to the convergence and meeting of the human phyla in the future course of evolution), but this is another topic altogether.

Between NODES (U) and (X) [ on FIG 15 - Scanning technician's Note] millions of possible mutations bring about alterations (seldom regressive) in the somatic structure of the human, affecting particularly the brain, whose continuous development results in new and improved human intellectual functions.

We have seen that each chromosome has a BAAYIODUU which you do not know.

Its function does not consist in carrying the genes materialized in the chromosome's deoxyribonucleic acid, but to verify the viability of internal changes which occur in the various species over time, without the action of external radiation,.

Earth biologists explain Orthogenesis (i.e. the progressive variation of species) through the theory of natural selection, according to which the weakest species are eliminated in their fight against the ambient and organic environment; such a process of selection continuously improves the species through a series of mutations.

Such an explanation is simplistic and does not stand up to a serious analysis even though you are unaware of the BAAYIODUU.

Thousands of primitive species coexist with others which are much more advanced. Any biotype exhibits a wide variety of species, in direct contradiction with this naive principle.

End of this document

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